Judy Shaw


Every morning, you wake up and you choose, whether you realize it or not. You choose between truth or feeding your confusion. Be intentional about how you face your day, CHOOSE truth or face the consequences.

Something’s Missing…

How many times have you baked a cake, took a bite, and realized something didn’t go quite right between the bowl and the oven? Each ingredient will always determine how a cake will taste. Too much baking soda? You’ll be able to tell. Forgot the salt? You’ll be able to tell that too. Anything you put in the bowl will come out in your cake. So think about this, what are the ingredients to your day? How much joy do you put in? How about stress? What about perseverance? Each ingredient you add is so important because you’ll see it show up throughout your day. When you wake up you’ve got to CHOOSE – you have to choose between truth or feeding your confusion. So, what do you want your day to be like?

Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that ‘Every action has an equal or opposite reaction’. When you choose the ingredients of your day (and believe me, it’s a choice) there will be a reaction to whatever choice you make. Just like the show ‘Truth or Consequences’, when we don’t choose truth or clarity, there are consequences! We can fall further into denial or delusion or we may unknowingly distance ourselves from wisdom. Without even realizing it, we can end up in place of confusion and dysfunction simply because we failed to choose truth one too many days in a row.

Choice Power – ACTIVATE!

Every one of your actions is a choice. Whether is positive or negative, active or inactive – you decided to make a choice. Approach each moment of your day as opportunities to choose your life’s direction. Take advantage of the power you have over your own life and CHOOSE truth. Here are a few reminders for you throughout your day:

  1. I have the power to choose truth or confusion.
  2. I am confident enough to make wise decisions for my life.
  3. I have the ability to change the direction my life is currently going.
  4. I empower myself to seek truth in every area of my life.
Assume the power you have over your own life; CHOOSE to see what you want to see. Walk away from confusion and let truth be your daily guide.

Be inspired into action...

Inspiration is a wonderful thing, yet without an action attached to it – it almost becomes useless! Allow these InspirActions to speak to you as well as move you. Join me on my walks, in my home, and throughout my day as I share what inspires me into action!