Judy Shaw


How much time of our day is spent listening?

Between family, our jobs, social media, and our day-to-day tasks, it’s so easy to lose sight of the peace and quiet that comes with being still for just a moment. From start to finish, sunup to sundown, honestly consider – how much time of our day is spent listening?

Make a Decision to Listen

Even when our day isn’t filled with tasks to complete, it can still feel like there’s always something that needs to be done. When our ear is constantly turned in the direction of chatter, we will rarely experience the peace it takes to hear directly from God.

Not only should we strive to hear from God, but even from ourselves! Our bodies, our emotional state, our mental state – all speaking. Taking a break from our mundane routines and breaking to listen can become one of the most important parts of our day.

Start practicing making a decision to listen. Force yourself to put your phone down and walk away for a few. Turn off your laptop or tv and just rest. Instead of dinner and a movie with friends, choose one night to have some electronics free alone time. Step into nature, read your Bible, pray, sing, journal – find what works for you and start listening.

Order in!

While taking walks on the beach and enjoying the California weather, I start to remember just how important ‘pausing’ is. Everything comes into alignment with my decision to pause and be still – I then can start to hear more clearly. Imagine, however, pulling up to a fast food restaurant to grab a quick meal. You place your order and pay at the first window, then drive to the second window to grab your food only to find out they never made it! How strange to have a fast food restaurant that hears orders but never fulfills them. Let’s strive to follow through with our listening to gain every benefit from turning our ear.

Tune In

Although this can seem like a difficult task while trying to keep up with all of your life, just remember – you can handle it! You have the ability to juggle what’s going on around you as well as take the necessary steps to ensure you have enough peace every now and then to LISTEN.

Here’s some tips to help:

  1. Turn off your phone/tablet for a period of time
  2. Find a place in nature that you relate with
  3. Stay hydrated and eat healthy
  4. Use your breathing to help you focus your mind
  5. Wait and LISTEN❤️

Be inspired into action...

Inspiration is a wonderful thing, yet without an action attached to it – it almost becomes useless! Allow these InspirActions to speak to you as well as move you. Join me on my walks, in my home, and throughout my day as I share what inspires me into action!